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BC547 NPN Transistor

BC547 NPN transistor is a transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open (Reverse biased) when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed (Forward biased) when a signal is provided to base pin.



BC547 NPN Transistor has a gain value of 110 to 800, this value determines the amplification capacity of the transistor. Collector pin max current: 100mA; loads exceeding are not suitable. Biasing requires limiting base pin current (IB) to 5mA.

BC547 Transistor Features:

  • Bi-Polar NPN Transistor
  • DC Current Gain (hFE) is 800 maximum
  • Continuous Collector current (IC) is 100mA
  • Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 6V
  • Base Current(IB) is 5mA maximum
  • Available in To-92 Package

It has a gain value of 110 to 800, this value determines the amplification capacity of the transistor. Collector pin max current: 100mA; loads exceeding are not suitable. Biasing requires limiting base pin current (IB) to 5mA.

It has a gain value of 110 to 800, this value determines the amplification capacity of the transistor. Collector pin max current: 100mA; loads exceeding are not suitable. Biasing requires limiting base pin current (IB) to 5mA.

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