A1015 PNP Transistor is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) widely used in electronic circuits for various applications. With a maximum collector current (IC) of 150mA and a collector-emitter voltage (VCE) of 50V, the A1015 is suitable for low to moderate power amplification and switching tasks. Its compact TO-92 package ensures easy integration into different circuit designs.
One notable feature of the A1015 is its low noise performance, making it ideal for audio amplifier applications where minimizing signal distortion is crucial. The transistor also exhibits a high current gain (hFE), providing effective signal amplification in different electronic configurations.
The A1015 PNP transistor is a versatile electronic component with specifications that cater to a range of applications. With a maximum collector current (IC) of 150mA and a collector-emitter voltage (VCE) of 50V, this transistor is well-suited for low to moderate-power circuitry. Its compact TO-92 package facilitates easy integration into various designs.
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