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DAC0808 Converter 8-Bit Analog to Digital

DAC0808 Converter 8-Bit Analog to Digital Features:

  • Part Number: DAC0808; Resolution: 8; DAC channels: 1; Interface: Parallel; Architecture: Multiplying DAC
  • Output type: Unbuffered Current; Output range Max: 4.2(mA/V); Output range (Min): 0 (mA/V); Settling time: 0.15 µs
  • Current Output; Relative accuracy: ±0.19% error maximum; Full-scale current match: ±1 LSB typ; Fast settling time: 150 ns typ
  • Noninverting digital inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible; High speed multiplying input slew rate: 8 mA/µs; Power supply voltage range: ±4.5V to ±18V; Low power consumption: 33 mW @ ±5V; Operating temperature range: 0 ~ 70°C; Package DIP-16
  • Package contains: 1 DAC0808 IC



The DAC0808 Converter is an 8-bit monolithic digital-to-analog converter (DAC) featuring a full-scale output current settling time of 150 ns while dissipating only 33 mW with ±5V supplies.

No reference current (IREF) trimming is required for most applications since the full-scale output current is typically ±1 LSB of 255 IREF/256. Relative accuracies of better than ±0.19% assure 8-bit monotonicity and linearity while zero level output current of less than 4 µA provides 8-bit zero accuracies for IREF>=2 mA.

The power supply currents of the DAC0808 are independent of bit codes and exhibit essentially constant device characteristics over the entire supply voltage range.





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