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L297 & L298 Stepper Motor Driver

L297 L298 Stepper Motor Driver Features

  • Easily adjustable motor current (0 to 2A)
  • Full and Half stepping modes
  • Step, Direction and Enable inputs (5V logic level)
  • Synchroniseable when using multiple drivers
  • Enable input can be connected to ground to disable the motor



L297 L298 Stepper Motor Driver allows you to get better performance from your stepper motor. It uses a dual full-bridge motor driver based on SGS Thompson chips L297 & L298.

Motor current for each phase is set using an on-board potentiometer and the controller is capable of handling motor winding currents of up to 2 Amps per phase.

It operates from a DC supply voltage of 9-36V. The drive provides all basic motor controls, including full or half-stepping of bipolar steppers and direction control. Works with large bipolar stepper motors like the MO-101, MO-102 and MO-103.

All signals (Step, Direction, Enable) can be interfaced to external logic or a microcontroller. You can easily control the motor from your computer parallel port or a serial stepper controller card!

L297 L298 Stepper Motor Driver price in pakistan




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