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2SA1943 PNP Transistor
2SA1943 PNP Transistor Features & Specifications:
- Package is To-264
- Mount type is Through Hole
- Number of terminals – 3
- Polarity is PNP with medium power
- Process technology is advanced
- The error voltage is less
- Switching speed is very fast
- Full-voltage based operation
- It handles high current and high power
- DC Current Gain or hFE ranges from 55 – 160
- Collector current or IC is 15A
- Collector to emitter voltage or VCE is 230Volts
- Collector to base voltage or VCB is 230Volts
- The emitter to base voltage or VBE is 5Volts
- The substitution frequency is 30 MHZ.
- Operating & storing temperature range is -55 to +150 °C
SKU: n/a